NOW AVAILABLE: Rubber Oligomer Analytical Standard Kits
Diastereomers of rubber oligomer C21H40
Rubber oligomer C13H23Cl (CAS 63216-72-8) now available. A list of available rubber oligomers can be found here.
EI-spectra library of rubber oligomer isomers
Rubber oligomers: Available amounts 2023-07-26
Protein-reactivity of rubber oligomer C21H39Br isomers
GC-MS EI-spectral library of butyl rubber oligomers (for free)
Structure of isomers of bromo butyl rubber oligomer C21H39Br
Rubber oligomers: Available amounts 2022-07-27
Gram amounts of butyl rubber oligomer standards
Prep scale separation of isomers of halogenated rubber oligomers
Extractables/leachables assessment of COVID vaccines
Part 2: Oxidized BHT
Extractables/leachables assessment of COVID vaccines
Part 1: Rubber oligomers
Impact of inorganic polysulfides on protein adduct formation by
A new hypothesis for the EPREX case: The rubber leachable Vultac© binds covalently to EPO
Protein reactive E&L’s, präsentation at E&L conference Europe 2020
(in collaboration with A&M Stabtest GmbH)
Investigation on the protein reactivity of polysulfide-based vulcanization agents:
Application of a new screening assay using GSSG and impact on the EPREX case
(in collaboration with A&M Stabtest GmbH)
AMES test for brominated rubber oligomers needed? We have the standards!
Pro-electrophiles: A source of protein-reactive extractable not covered by most screening methods
(in collaboration with A&M Stabtest GmbH)
GSH-screening for the toxcicity asssessment of tobaco smoke
GSH screening of vapor of vitamin E acetate in e-cigarettes/vaping products
Pitfalls using compound databases: Wrong identification of extractables in LC-MS datasets